Roxbury Latin的传统
Founded in 1645, The Roxbury Latin School has centuries of tradition embedded purposefully and meaningfully into its history and daily life. In many cases, those traditions connect today’s students and faculty to the alumni and teachers who have come before—generating a sense of commitment, honor, and pride. Traditions like Halls, Founder’s Day, and Exelauno Day speak to the unum of this “old Latin school.” Newer traditions, like Maru-a-Pula Day and May Day, are pure fun, allowing boys to be creative, let off some steam, and celebrate with one another. Below are some memorable RL traditions that today’s students point to as among their favorites.
自20世纪60年代以来,所有 "Sixies"(7年级的成员)的学年开始都会有一次全班性的跋涉,前往位于新罕布什尔州霍利斯的比弗布鲁克自然中心和露营地。在教师陪同和一班组长的支持下,这次过夜旅行包括两天的团队建设活动和定向越野,破冰游戏和RL小游戏,晚上的电影和《创始人之歌》的演绎。(校友们深情地回忆起他们在比弗布鲁克的经历,远远超过了他们的RL年龄。
The All-School Handshake
On the Opening Day of School each year—after the all-school Hall during which the Head of School welcomes new and returning students, faculty, and staff—every member of the school community lines up along the walkways surrounding the Senior Grass to offer a hearty hello and handshake to every other member of the school. This tradition—possible only in a small school!—nods to the intimacy of Roxbury Latin and the emphasis we put on respect and relationships.
纪念 "埃塞拉诺 "日
也许校园里没有什么日子比每年的Exelauno日更独特的 "RL "了。在每年的3月4日举行("exelauno"--前进),这个活动征集了六到一年级的男生,每个拉丁文和希腊文班各一名,参加大卫-塔加特-克拉克希腊文和拉丁文演讲比赛。在整个上午的比赛中,由受人尊敬的古典主义专家小组评判,男孩们可能会质疑阿伽门农的动机,起诉维勒斯,杀死特努斯,竞争铁饼,或试图追求一位年轻的女士--所有这些都是用原文说的,而且没有道具。其结果是令人印象深刻地展示了男孩对经典的掌握,以及随之而来的不可避免的创造力和欢笑。
Maru-A-Pula Day
One of RL’s community service initiatives is to raise money each year to support a scholarship for an orphaned young person to attend the Maru-A-Pula School in Botswana. (Roxbury Latin has a long relationship with Maru-A-Pula, including an exchange program.) On Maru-A-Pula Day—the final day of classes before spring break—students and adults can make a donation to “dress up or dress down” for the day. Campus that day feels a little bit like Halloween, only better.
每年春季由二班举办的 "五一 "活动是一个全天的 "色彩战争 "野战日,来自各班的学生和各系的教师分成六个小组,目的是为了争夺荣誉和吹嘘的权利。五颜六色的自制队服始终是一个亮点。全天的活动包括躲避球和足球,网球和飞盘,国际象棋和填字游戏,扔鸡蛋和拔河。