Roxbury Latin has 309 students enrolled in grades 7 through 12. The primary entry point for students is the 7th grade (Class VI), where we admit usually 42 to 45 boys. The secondary entry point is the 9th grade (Class IV), where we add typically an additional 12 to 14 students.
参加Roxbury Latin的学费是多少?
The tuition cost for the 2024-2025 academic year is $40,600.
Yes. 39% of students are receiving financial aid for the current academic year.
The school understands that affordability and accessibility are paramount to ensuring a diverse community of learners. For this reason, the school supports a robust financial aid program to support families whose sons attend the school. Roxbury Latin works to maintain a comparatively low tuition cost and grants generous financial aid so that deserving boys may join our community and take part fully in the programs the school offers, unimpeded by the limitations of their families’ resources. (Tuition at Roxbury Latin is approximately $21,000 less than the average day school tuition of other Boston area independent schools.)
要了解更多关于学校的财政援助政策和截止日期,请访问 学费和财政援助网页或致电617.477.6341联系财务援助主任Karen Dinon。
罗克斯伯里拉丁语是 "需求盲",这意味着什么?
罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的无需求录取政策意味着,值得录取的男孩不会因为家庭支付学费的能力而被拒之门外。事实上,它更进一步确保了招生委员会在不了解家庭经济需求的情况下考虑申请人。这使罗克斯伯里拉丁学校与许多学校不同,包括那些自称为 "需求意识 "的学校,因为将需求盲目的录取过程与通过财政援助计划满足所有家庭的全部证明需求的承诺结合起来,具有很大的效力。很少有机构能够提供同样的支持。罗克斯伯里拉丁学校依靠其无需求政策和财政援助资源,组成了具有丰富多样性和公平组合的班级。
What qualities or materials does the Admission Committee consider?
RL’s admission process enables each boy to provide the Admission Committee with a comprehensive picture of himself. Consequently, our admission process doesn’t rely on a single aspect, such as a test score, but rather on a broad range of factors that allow us to identify the boys we choose to admit.
We value passionate learners willing to engage broadly and deeply across our program, as well as boys who exhibit an interest in and concern for others. Demonstrated performance inside and outside of the classroom is important, as is a boy’s positive contributions to the communities of which he is a part. Talent alone is not sufficient: We seek boys who also have personal qualities such as humility, selflessness, and kindness, in order to build the most inclusive and supportive community possible.
You can learn more about this on the Admission Considerations page of the RL website.
- 7年级和8年级的申请者需要参加ISEE(独立学校入学考试)。罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的代码是220345。您可以在ERB/ISEE网站上注册参加考试。
- 9年级或以上的申请者需要参加SSAT(中学入学考试)。罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的代码是6178。您可以在SSAT网站上注册参加考试。
学校愿意接受居住在美国以外的家庭的申请;但是,父母中至少要有一人计划和学生一起搬到波士顿地区。欲了解更多信息,请访问 国际申请者页面
t: 617.477.6317
e: admission@roxburylatin.org