News & Events

Matt Desmond, Author of Evicted, Kicks Off Anniversary Service Series

“The United States is the richest democracy with the worst poverty,” began Matt Desmond in Hall on October 3. Mr. Desmond is the During Professor of Sociology at Princeton and author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. In researching for his book—on the fraught relationship between tenants and […]

A Strong Tournament Showing for RL Public Speaking

On September 29, four students traveled to Stoneleigh-Burnham School in Greenfield, MA, to compete in the annual Stoneleigh-Burnham Public Speaking Tournament. Avi Attar (I), Teddy Glaeser (III), Daniel Sun-Friedman (II), and Colson Ganthier (II) comprised this year’s team, securing a second place finish overall in the tournament. Competition events included Interpretive Reading, Impromptu, After Dinner, […]

Kevin Breel Helps Alleviate the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

“As you know, we care not only about helping you develop your intellectual passions and pursuits, but also about helping you develop the tools to lead physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy lives,” began Headmaster Brennan, speaking to boys at the year’s opening Health and Wellness Hall. Last year, Roxbury Latin launched a program for RL’s […]

Writer Arundhathi Subramaniam on the Role of Poetry in Our Lives

“Meaning is just a very small part of language,” began poet Arundhathi Subramaniam in Hall on September 23. “Many of us realize this early on but are encouraged to forget. We are encouraged, instead, to use language as a strictly transactional medium. But there’s rhythm and sound and texture—words have flavor. We forget the sensuous […]

Alumni Journalists Kick Off Anniversary Lecture Series

As part of the school’s celebration of Roxbury Latin’s 375th anniversary, a special series of Halls will feature RL alumni, “Men of RL,” who represent diverse personal and professional paths—all examples of excellence, leadership, or service, intended to inspire students and help them gain a window into what’s possible. The series began on September 19 […]

Ave Atque Vale: Class I Students Help Bury Boston’s Unclaimed Citizens

Eternally resting atop a small hill in Fairview Cemetery in Hyde Park, Mayor Thomas Menino watches over the most destitute of Boston’s deceased citizens. Menino’s gravesite overlooks the City Poor Lot, a section of Fairview owned by the City of Boston and reserved for the burial of its indigent and unclaimed denizens. On Tuesday, a […]

Twenty-Five RL Boys Recognized in National Merit Scholar Competition

The National Merit Scholarship Program recently announced the names of students in the Class of 2020, across the country, earning recognition for their academic achievement. This year, 25 Roxbury Latin boys have been recognized (representing 48% of the class)—seven named National Merit Scholar semifinalists, and 18 others earning commendations from program officials. In this 65th […]

The Beaver Brook Tradition Continues for RL’s Youngest Students

On September 6, 43 new Sixies—along with intrepid Class I leaders and faculty chaperones—trekked to Beaver Brook in Hollis, New Hampshire, for a tradition that dates back more than 50 years. Upon arriving, Class VI boys were immediately met with their first challenge: a test of their knowledge of “the oldest school in continuous existence […]

Five Grads Spent Summer at Tech Incubator Cogo Labs

As each new school year begins, we are eager to hear how students and young alumni spent their summer months. Often from recent grads we hear about days spent exploring intellectual interests and possible career paths, as well as time catching up with RL friends. This summer, five young alumni were able to do both […]

Opening of RL’s 375th Anniversary Year

“Not every institution gets to celebrate its 375th anniversary,” began Headmaster Brennan at the Opening of Fall Term Hall on the morning of August 28. “This year it is our privilege and our pleasure to do that very thing on behalf of the idea, the history, and the school that binds us together—and binds us […]