News & Events

Dr. Galit Alter on Immunity, Vaccines, and Hope

On September 17, Dr. Galit Alter presented a Hall—a Part II, of sorts, on the COVID-19 pandemic—focused, this time, on how we might emerge from our current situation. Dr. Alter’s work focuses on the development of biological tools that help individuals develop immunity against infectious diseases. She is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical […]

Beaver Brook—A Sixie Tradition—Reimagined

A Sixie’s first year at Roxbury Latin doesn’t officially begin until his trip to Beaver Brook. For decades, the annual excursion has taken Class VI north to Hollis, New Hampshire, with homeroom advisors, senior leaders, and new faculty for 24 hours of uninterrupted team-building and RL immersion. This year, COVID-19 forced the school to bring […]

Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, Infectious Disease Specialist, on COVID-19

What is a virus? How do viruses behave? Why is this one—which has disrupted life on a global scale—so pernicious? How, exactly, is this microscopic, infectious agent causing a pandemic the likes of which the world hasn’t seen in 100 years? And how do we stop it? On September 10, Roxbury Latin virtually welcomed Dr. […]

Roxbury Latin Opens Its 376th School Year Amidst a Pandemic

After months of planning and preparing, Roxbury Latin opened the fall term of the school’s 376th school year on Monday, August 31. This year’s opening was not typical: Headmaster Brennan delivered his address to a largely empty Rousmaniere Hall. There was no all-school handshake—only hope for one in the future. No boys infused the hallways […]

Darian Reid ’05 Appointed Director of Community and Culture

During these summer months the faculty and staff at Roxbury Latin are focused on planning for the year ahead. In line with the school’s commitment to being a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive place for every student to learn and grow, Headmaster Kerry Brennan announced this month that Darian Reid—member of the Class of 2005, and […]

Jonathan Weiss ’20 Wins ASCAP Young Composers Award

This spring, Jonathan Weiss ’20 was awarded the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) Young Composers award. The annual competition is open to composers of original, classical concert music, encouraging developing music creators to get their work out into the world. Jonathan was seven when he was given a toy keyboard for Christmas […]

Honoring Roxbury Latin’s Class of 2020

With typical year-end events, traditions, and culminating celebrations cancelled for students around the world, Roxbury Latin—like all schools—had to be creative about the ways in which we celebrated our graduating Class of 2020. Closing Exercises typically take place with seniors and their families, faculty members and trustees shoulder-to-shoulder in Rousmaniere Hall. On the morning of […]

Four Seniors Named National Merit Scholars

This May, the National Merit Scholarship Program announced its selection of 2,500 scholarship winners, chosen from a pool of 15,000 talented high school seniors across the country. These members of the Class of 2020 will each receive $2,500 scholarships toward college next year. Among these outstanding students are four Roxbury Latin seniors: Avi Attar, David […]

Latonics Release Newest Album: Lose Yourself Again

On May 21, Roxbury Latin’s Latonics released their eleventh album since 1997—this one titled Lose Yourself Again. The tracks (a total of 12) are now available on most digital platforms, including iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Play, Spotify, and Pandora. The recordings feature vocals from members of the Class of 2017 through the Class of 2021. […]

RL’s Penn Fellows Complete and Share Their Culminating Work

Since 2012, the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education has partnered with independent schools throughout the northeast to allow early career teachers to earn a master’s in education while simultaneously gaining classroom experience. In 2017, Roxbury Latin became one of ten schools in the program’s first day school cohort. Since that time, RL has […]

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